
Do you want to make money on the internet with website monetization but don't know how?, we will show you in a simple and direct way how to make money with just a blog.

Did you know that with just one blog you can make 50 to $150 per day on the internet?

That's right, you can make money on the internet Working for yourself at your best times with just one website, and we'll show you how now.


How to make money on the internet With website monetization?

First of all you must have an active website to be able to monetize its content.

So, choose a niche where you find it easier to write content and start nurturing your Word Press website.

See how to make a website on WordPress here!


Choose a subject that you like and you are comfortable writing to monetize websites:

Could it be:

  • Finance;
  • Technology;
  • Motorsport;
  • Sports;
  • News;
  • Music;
  • and countless other subjects that you can monetize.

Always have SEO techniques applied to Google, Bing, and other search engines in your texts.

This way, your content will be even more valuable for website monetization if it has organic traffic.

But, if you don't know SEO techniques for texts, see the article below:

Now that you have your website ready and your materials ready, it’s time to seek help to monetize your website.

Have you ever heard of Google ADX?

Well, today Google's ADX is the most profitable and easiest way to have a website approved in partnership with Google for website monetization.

And, one of the largest in Brazil and Latin America is Otz Ads and we will leave their website here for you.

OTZ Ads Network Official WebsiteAccess

Monetizing websites with OTZ Ads is very simple.

Well, ADX's own attendants are there to help you get your website approved and start generating income in dollars for you!

The objective of is to teach you how to monetize websites in the simplest and easiest way possible on the market

No fuss or nonsense!

See too:
