
New technologies like GPT Chat and AI for marketers always produce angst and disruption.

This truth goes back to Socrates, who worried that the innovation of writing fashions will make children forgetful and lazy.

And it continues today with the recent introduction of generative AI tools like ChatGPT that can pass MBA exams and have convincing, if sometimes deeply frightening conversations with humans.


These AI tools present obvious opportunities for business owners – they could soon help you populate your social media feeds and write your routine emails.

But technology and economic experts also worry about the disruption these tools could cause both to society at large and to the online content ecosystem.

Will chatbots take away jobs or will they just work like donkeys?

An explosion of think pieces has chewed through these questions in recent weeks, including many considering the understandable concern that AI tools could soon replace many human office workers.


“ChatGPT can scan Google much better than I can and can write a generic article about grizzly bears in a few seconds that could take me a few hours.

And honestly, my article wouldn’t be better than Chat GPT’s.” confesses writer Dan Kay on Medium. Your prediction? “Content is about to be ruined by revolution.

We will drown in a wave of 'content' written by robots… A human generating content will no longer be an economical use of someone's time.

And it's not just writers who are worried about a tsunami of robot-generated BS, by the way.

But for every writer concerned about AI-generated content, there is someone suggesting that these tools will eliminate drudgery and increase efficiency.

This could be great news for business owners.

here is an article by Wired presenting preliminary research from MIT showing that when office workers had access to ChatGPT to help them with daily tasks.

“They were able to complete assigned tasks in 17 minutes, compared to an average of 27 minutes for those without the bot, and the quality of their work improved significantly.

Workers were also more satisfied with their work.

How can you try GPT Chat and AI for marketers?

Exactly how many jobs ChatGPT can replace – or create – will likely remain the subject of fierce debate for years, if not decades.

But in the meantime, if you generate content to market your business, you can start exploring the potential uses of these tools to eliminate some of the dumb work for yourself or your team.

As? The entrepreneur Maximilian Vogel has suggestions – well over 500 of them, in fact.

On Medium recently, the AI ​​enthusiast put together thousands of links to AI-related generative resources, including over 500 amazing prompts for marketers and content creators to play around with and explore the potential usefulness of these tools, including:

Will trying these prompts spark your creativity? Wasting your time? Do wonders for your business? Produce charming copies full of inaccuracies? I have no idea.

With tools so new and rapidly changing, neither I nor anyone else can offer definitive answers to these questions.

What all experts agree on is that disruption is coming. If you want to get ahead, the time to start exploring the possibilities is now.

The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of