
Half price for shows and events is a benefit provided for in Brazilian legislation, aiming to guarantee cultural access to a greater number of people.

Established by Federal Law No. 12,933/2013, the regulation clearly defines who is entitled to this benefit.

1. Students:


According to Law 12,933/2013, students regularly enrolled in educational institutions, at the levels and modalities provided for in the legislation, are entitled to half price.

This category ranges from basic education to higher education and postgraduate studies.

2. Low Income Young People:


The same law also covers low-income young people, between 15 and 29 years old, who are registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, CadÚnico, and who have a monthly family income of up to two minimum wages.

3. People with Disabilities:

The law guarantees half price for people with disabilities and companions when necessary. Proof can be made by presenting documents that attest to the condition, such as a medical report.

You are reading about: Half Price Rights at Shows and Events

4. Teachers:

State or municipal public school teachers are also entitled to half price at cultural events. Proof is provided by presenting an updated payslip or functional card.

5. Elderly:

The legislation reserves half price for people aged 60 or over, in accordance with the Elderly Statute (Law 10,741/2003).

6. Under 21 years of age:

State or Municipal Law may grant half price for young people under the age of 21, as provided for in article 1 of Law 12,933/2013.

7. Respect for Local Regulations:

In addition to federal regulations, it is important to observe state and municipal laws, which may establish additional criteria for granting half-price admission to cultural events.

It is essential that establishments and event organizers strictly comply with current laws to ensure that the half-price benefit is accessible to those who are truly entitled.

This set of regulations aims to promote the democratization of access to culture, enabling a diverse public to enjoy cultural events.

Thus contributing to the construction of a more inclusive and egalitarian society.

See too:
